So, here I am, sitting here at 2 a.m., staring at my computer screen and being thoroughly disgusted. I KNOW what is going to happen on this next part of the second book. This is the climax scene. It is something I have been avoiding like the plague but there doesn't seem to be any way around it. Dear reader, I think things are about to go dark in the Awareness series.

I hate it. It scares me. Basically because, I am afraid it is one of those things that might just make readers turn away from the story. As a writer, I want more than anything to entertain. Unfortunately, that means pushing the envelope and taking you, the reader, into an area where you may not be entirely comfortable. I daresay, you may even find yourself angry at me, because I will be hanging you out, and making you... once again... wait for the next book.

That said, I am going to step away from the blog... take a deep breath... and plunge into these final chapters... (GULP)

1/11/2013 03:33:08 am

Go for it!


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